The role of a business consultant in simple terms is to provide expertise, perspective, and assistance from outside an organization. There are any number of ways this manifests but in basic terms, you need to provide something that is of value and possible unique to the organization or stand out. Otherwise why would they hire a consultant. To provide the biggest impact you need to be mindful of and pliable to the culture and the norms of the firm where you are delivering, in some respects fitting in. Otherwise your expertise, advice, and end product may, in part, fall on deaf ears.
I think too often we look at these aspects in a vacuum (standing out from our competition Or conforming with client policies and expectations). What I submit is that these aspects are best thought of in concert with one and other. It is not easy to think in these terms and it's also extremely difficult to measure - Do I fit in? Am I doing enough to stand out or deliver uncommon value? It's one of those things that you know when you see and can be experienced in moments throughout the course of a day. But by being aware of this idea while you deliver, you approach an advanced form of consulting.
So what's the point of this post? I believe that buyers should include this aspect in their evaluation criteria along with price, expertise, track record, to impact the value they receive from consulting engagements. And I feel that consulting firms and practitioners need to think of standing out while fitting in as they operate as a service provider. In so doing they will end up with a higher probability of pleasing their clients and advancing the profession.
For those of you that read the title of this post and thought I was going to provide the magic formula on how to stand out while fitting in, sorry...If I had it I'd share. I can say that as I've grown in this profession, delivering uncommon value or standing out while fitting in remains a goal whenever I start on a new engagement. Hopefully I have gotten closer and closer to this goal with each and every experience.
Feel free to respond with your thoughts.
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